Hormonal Birth Control and Abortifacient Mechanisms
Recently, there has been a growing controversy, especially among evangelicals, over whether the birth control pill might have an abortifacient mechanism that sometimes causes early chemical abortions. An understanding of this controversy necessitates a clear definition of abortion, abortifacient, pregnancy, implantation, and especially personhood. If a zygote (fertilized egg) is not a person, then it has no fundamental rights and there is essentially no debate concerning the possible link between birth control pills and abortion. There is strong indirect evidence of post-fertilization, or abortive, effects of hormonal birth control. If zygotes are people, and birth control pills do kill them, health professionals and the public, especially Christians, need to be informed about the situation. HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL 4 Hormonal Birth Control and Abortifacient Mechanisms Of the 64 million women in the U.S. who are of childbearing age, 62% of them use some form of contraception. Approximately 31% of women choose not to use contraception for either personal or health-related reasons, because they are trying to conceive, or because they are not sexually active. Only 7% of women who are sexually active do not use any method of contraception (Davidson, London, & Ladewig 2008). There are various types of birth control, including intrauterine devices (IUDs), abstinence, sterilization, barrier methods, natural contraception, and hormonal contraception (Lehne, 2010). Hormonal birth control includes both regular birth control pills (the Pill and the minipill) and emergency contraception, or pills taken after intercourse. Regular birth control pills bear striking similarity to Plan B, a common form of emergency contraception (Anderson, et al., 2006). Recently, there has been a growing controversy, especially among Christians, over whether the common Pill might have an abortifacient mechanism that sometimes causes early chemical abortions (Larimore, 2004). Evidence for the hypothesis that hormonal birth control may have an abortifacient mechanism is indirect and qualitative, but quite strong nonetheless (Alcorn, 2011). (Qualitative evidence is generally data that is in the form of pictures, words, or objects, while quantitative data is in the concrete form of statistics and numbers (Neill, 2007)). Fortunately, there are effective alternatives to hormonal birth control that are not abortifacient in nature. Informing women of hormonal birth control’s probable abortifacient mechanism is warranted (Larimore & Stanford, 2000; Wilson, 2008). A good understanding of the female reproductive system and the fertilization process is needed in order to understand the mechanism of action of various types of hormonal birth HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL 5 control. Once these processes are understood, exploring the personhood of zygotes (fertilized eggs) will establish the importance of the lives of human persons. Medical Terms Defined Abortion Abortion is defined as “premature expulsion from the uterus of the products of conception; termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable.” (http://medicaldictionary.thefreedictionary.com/abortion, para. 10). Abortion includes both spontaneous abortions, or miscarriages, and induced abortions, which are completed intentionally with medication or instruments (http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/abortion). (In this paper the definition abortion will encompass all abortions except spontaneous abortions). Abortifacient According to http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/abortifacient in para. 1, an abortifacient is “an agent that induces abortion.” According to this definition, if an agent (chemical or otherwise) works in a way that always, or even just sometimes, causes abortions, it is considered an abortifacient. Defining abortifacient is important because hormonal birth control has three primary mechanisms of action, and one of the mechanisms causes abortions. This would make hormonal birth control sometimes work as an abortifacient (Alcorn, 2011). Pregnancy When is a woman considered pregnant? Interestingly, Lehne defined pregnancy as “implantation of a fertilized egg” (2010, p. 747). Choosing definitions so as to make conception, pregnancy, and implantation all synonymous masks the reality that a new life HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL 6 has begun when an egg is fertilized, producing a zygote, and that any hormone or device that prevents the zygote from implanting can be considered abortifacient (Alcorn, 2011). According to http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/pregnancy in para. 1, pregnancy is defined as “the period from conception to birth.” After the egg is fertilized by a sperm and then implanted in the lining of the uterus, it develops into the placenta and embryo, and later into a fetus. Pregnancy usually lasts 40 weeks, beginning from the first day of the woman's last menstrual period, and is divided into three trimesters, each lasting three months (http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/pregnancy, para. 1). Therefore, as soon as conception takes place, a woman is pregnant and carries a person inside of her who, if not aborted (either spontaneously or through other means) will grow, be born after about nine months, and continue developing as a person. For the purpose of clarity, pregnancy will refer to all pregnancies, whether detected (embryo implants and emits hormones) or undetected (fertilization occurs and zygote is formed). Detected pregnancy, on the other hand, will refer to a pregnancy that can be detected (embryo implants and emits hormones). Contraceptive Historically, a contraceptive has meant a device or hormone that prevents conception, or fertilization, from happening. In other words, a contraceptive has been seen as an agent that prevents the union of egg and sperm. However, recently there has been some confusion regarding terms. As quoted in Randy Alcorn’s book, Dr. Diamond explained the following: HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL 7 Prior to 1976, a contraceptive was understood to be an agent that prevented union of sperm and ovum. In 1976 the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)...changed the definition. A contraceptive now meant anything that prevented implantation of the blastocyst, which occurs six or seven days after fertilization. Conception, as defined by Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary (27th Edition), became “the onset of pregnancy marked by implantation of the blastocyst” (Alcorn, 2011, p. 356). The important question is whether birth control pills do or do not cause abortions (Alcorn, 2011). Conception refers to fertilization and simultaneous creation of a zygote, and marks the beginning of personhood and the onset of pregnancy. Thus contraception will retain the following historical definition: “diminishing the likelihood of or preventing conception” (http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/contraceptive, para. 12). Abortifacient contraceptives will refer to modern birth control pills that are erroneously considered to act solely as contraceptives by the redefining of terms (Alcorn, 2011). Now that various terms have been defined, it is important to understand the mechanisms of action of various types of abortifacient contraceptives. First, determining whether some contraceptives used today really work as contraceptives or if they sometimes also work as abortifacients is important. If they are found to work as abortifacients, determining the next action steps is significant (Alcorn, 2011). Before contraceptives’ mechanisms of action can be understood, a discussion of a woman’s reproductive cycle and fertilization is helpful. HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL 8 A Woman’s Reproductive Cycle Hormones Before the mechanisms of various types of birth control pills and their implications can be understood, a woman’s reproductive cycle and the process of fertilization are both important concepts to comprehend. Each female reproductive hormone has specific functions. The female reproductive cycle includes ovarian and menstrual cycles, which are controlled through various proportions of reproductive hormones. In response to follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland, the ovaries produce estrogens, progesterone, and testosterone. There are three major types of estrogen hormones, including estrone, Bestradiol, and estriol, of which B-estriol is the main estrogen. Estrogens have many functions, but in relation to the female reproductive cycle, they assist in the maturation of the ovarian follicles and help the endometrium grow and mature after menstruation. Estrogen also causes contractions in both the uterus and fallopian tubes. Estrogen causes the uterus to become bigger and heavier because of the increased amounts of nutrients such as glycogen, amino acids, electrolytes, water, and the increased blood supply. Estrogens also stimulate the production of LH and decrease the production of FSH (Davidson, et al., 2008). Another hormone that plays a major role in the reproductive cycle is progesterone. This hormone is secreted predominantly during the secretory phase of menstruation and helps decrease the uterine contractility caused by estrogens, which helps prepare the uterus for implantation after the egg is fertilized. Progesterone also causes the endometrium of the uterus to increase even more its glycogen, blood, and HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL 9 other nutrient supplies. Progesterone sometimes is called the hormone of pregnancy because it helps maintain a pregnancy by causing the endometrium of the uterus to increase its nutrient supplies. It also prepares the female body in other ways for pregnancy, such as preparing the breasts for lactation (Davidson, et al., 2008). Estrogen and progesterone are definitely not the only hormones involved in the female reproductive cycle. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is secreted by the hypothalamus. Other names for GnRH are follicle-stimulating hormone-releasing hormone (FSHRH) and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) because it causes the anterior pituitary gland to release FSH and LH. Follice-stimulating hormone and LH in turn stimulate the growth of the ovaries (Davidson, et al., 2008). Ovarian and Menstrual Cycles The female reproductive cycle consists of two separate cycles that occur simultaneously, the ovarian and menstrual cycles. For purposes of clarification, these cycles will be discussed concurrently. The ovarian cycle consists of two phases: the follicular phase (days 1-14) and the luteal phase (days 14-28). The second phase, the luteal phase, is approximately the same in all women (14 days). However, women have differing cycle lengths because the follicular phase differs among women. In the ovarian cycle, FSH and LH contribute to the development and growth of the graafian follicle, which is mature by day 14. As this graafian follicle is maturing, it secretes increasing amounts of estrogen. In the menstrual cycle, this release of estrogen stimulates the proliferative phase in which the endometrium develops and prepares for a fertilized ovum. Just prior to ovulation the graafian follicle secretes the highest amount of estrogen. When the graafian follicle completely matures, ovulation occurs. As the HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL 10 mature egg ruptures from the graffian follicle, it is drawn into the fallopian tube by the fimbria, which are fingerlike projections on the outer portion of the fallopian tubes. The egg then travels to the ampulla, the outer third of the fallopian tube, which is the primary site of fertilization. It is estimated that the ovum is only fertile for a window of 6-24 hours. The ovum travels to the uterus within 72-96 hours after its release from the ovary. The second part of the ovarian cycle is the luteal phase. This phase begins right after ovulation. Luteinizing hormone causes the ruptured graafian follicle to turn into the corpus luteum (the mass of cells that have been fully luteinized), which secretes progesterone. The release of progesterone causes the endometrium to swell and grow and occurs during the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle. Progesterone also causes the glandular epithelial cells of the uterus to grow and secrete fluid in order to get ready for a fertilized ovum. After ovulation, the entire uterus becomes increasingly vascular to favor implantation (Davidson, et al., 2008). Then one of two processes occurs. If a fertilized ovum implants in the endometrium, this fertilized ovum secretes human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is necessary for the corpus luteum to continue to exist. If fertilization does not occur, the ischemic phase of the menstrual cycle commences. The corpus luteum degenerates, and thus secretion of both progesterone and estrogen decline. The menstrual phase of the menstrual cycle will then occur. The outer layer of the endometrium sloughs off and exits through the vagina. Above is an abbreviated version of how the ovarian and menstrual cycles work and how together they constitute a woman’s reproductive cycle. Fertilization and implantation occur at a specific time into a woman’s reproductive cycle (Davidson, et al., 2008). HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL 11 Beginning of Life: Fertilization to Implantation Fertilization usually occurs in the outer third of the fallopian tube, known as the ampulla. During intercourse, a man’s penis will often ejaculate about 200 to 500 million spermatozoa into the vagina. Of these, mere hundreds successfully travel to the ampulla. Uterine smooth muscle contractions and seminal fructose help propel the sperm to the ampulla. The dual ciliary action of the fallopian tubes helps the ovum and the sperm travel toward each other. The ovum is fertile for only about 6-24 hours after ovulation, while the sperm can survive for 48-72 hours in the female genital tract. However, the sperm are healthiest and most fertile for only 24 hours. The window of fertilization is not very large. Before fertilization can occur, capacitation and the acrosomal reaction must occur. Capacitation is the disintegration of the sperm’s glycoprotein coat. The acrosomal reaction follows capacitation and occurs when the sperm releases enzymes that penetrate the ovum’s outer wall. Once a sperm penetrates the outer layer of the ovum, the ovum undergoes a reaction that prevents other sperm from penetrating it. True fertilization occurs when the nuclei of the sperm and ovum meet, and the genetic material of another human individual is present. At this stage the fertilized egg is termed a zygote. At fertilization the sex of the zygote is determined (Davidson, et al., 2008). After fertilization, the first 14 days are the pre-embryonic stage of the embryo in which the zygote’s cells multiply and differentiate. The zygote moves from the ampulla to the uterus, which takes around three days, and then it undergoes rapid division. Soon there is an inner mass of cells called the blastocyst surrounded by an outer layer called the trophoblast. While the blastocyst in essence floats around in the uterus, it is nourished by various nutrients the uterine glands produce. Soon the trophoblast attaches HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL 12 to the endometrium for more nourishment. Between 7 and 10 days after fertilization, the blastocyst burrows deep into the uterine lining until it is completely buried. Implantation, also known as nidation, is then complete (Davidson, et al., 2008). Overview of Abortion Certain moral arguments need to be addressed. For those who believe that God is the Creator and Taker of life and who believe that abortion is wrong, the possibility of hormonal birth control causing abortions has definite moral implications (Alcorn, 2011). There is a long-standing debate about the morality of abortion with arguments on each side of the debate. The major focus point is that of personhood. First, two major arguments for abortion are the right to privacy argument and the non-personhood argument (Foreman, 1999). Right to Privacy Argument Those in favor of abortion may argue that a woman has absolute privacy when it comes to deciding what to do with her own body. Generally, people’s relationships with their children are private, but there are limits to the right to privacy. For example, if parents are abusing their children, they give up their right to privacy (Foreman, 1999). Judith Thomson wrote a famous, compelling paper in favor of abortion based on the right to privacy argument. She wrote a scenario in which a famous violinist needs a kidney transplant or he will die. A woman is a perfect match, and she is physically connected to the violinist via a machine so the violinist’s blood can be filtered through her kidneys. Thomson argued that just as the woman has a right to choose what to do with her own body and has no obligation to stay attached to the violinist, a pregnant woman is not obligated to continue carrying her child. There are a couple of problems HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL 13 with this argument. First, this illustration does not take into account the special relationship and duty that a mother has toward her own child. The second problem is that there is a difference between passively letting someone die and actively killing someone. Unhooking the violinist from the machine is analogous to removing him from life-saving measures. He is already dying of kidney disease. Abortion is actively killing a child (Foreman, 1999). Also, a pro-life advocate would argue that a fetus is not part of a woman’s body. It is a completely distinct human being, and not just any human-being, but her own child (Foreman, 1999). A mother has a primae facie duty to protect and care for her own children. Dr. Mark Foreman gave a fitting example (1999). If a mother’s three-year-old needs a life-saving measure to stay alive, most people would think there is something wrong with the mother if she left her child to die and argued that she has no duty to protect her child. People have prima facie duties toward their children (Foreman, 1999). Non-personhood Argument Another major argument that pro-abortionists purport is the most serious and has the most implications if true. The argument is that the fetus is not a person and that therefore it is morally permissible to kill it. John Harris and others argued that while embryos are humans, they are not individual human beings, or persons (Oderberg, 2008). If fetuses are not people, then it is true that abortion would be justifiable in any circumstance (Foreman, 1999). It is quite true that with personhood comes moral rights. According to Lugosi, The Supreme Court can define person to include all human beings, born and unborn. It chooses not to do so. Science, history and tradition establish that HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL 14 unborn humans are, from the time of conception, both persons and human beings, thus strongly supporting an interpretation that the unborn meet the definition of person under the Fourteenth Amendment (Lugosi, 2006, p. 119). Personhood The thought process behind the view that personhood and moral rights are inseparable is that, in general, people can do what they want to inanimate objects and do those objects no moral wrong. If someone dashes his computer to pieces, he has done the computer no moral wrong. However, if this same person dashes another person to pieces he can be charged with the moral wrong of murder (Foreman, 1999). According to Genesis 9:6, it is wrong to murder another person because people are made in the image of God (The Holy Bible, NKJV). The question is, “When does personhood begin?” The answer to this question directly answers the question about whether abortion in general is right or wrong. There are multiple theories about when personhood begins. Dr. Foreman said that, in general, there are three major positions in this debate: agnostic, gradualist, and decisive moment theories. There are many differing beliefs about what decisive moment marks the beginning of personhood, but Foreman provided good evidence for why one decisive moment theory is the best explanation for the beginning of personhood (Foreman, 1999). Agnostic Theory of Personhood People who hold to the agnostic theory believe that no one can know when personhood begins. They believe that because not everyone agrees exactly when personhood begins, no one can really know, and thus it does not really matter (Foreman, 1999). HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL 15 Gradualism Theory of Personhood Gradualists believe that personhood does not begin at a certain point. They believe that as a conceptus develops, it becomes more and more a person. Gradualists would argue that a fetus has more rights than an embryo, which has more rights than a zygote (Foreman, 1999). Decisive Moment Theories of Personhood Decisive moment theories are the last theories to be discussed concerning personhood. There are varying beliefs about what exactly is the decisive moment in which a human organism becomes a person. What all these theories have in common, though, is that they hold that there is a certain point in pregnancy when a person comes into existence. Many, including Foreman, believe that personhood exists at conception. This is the most traditional view of the beginning of personhood, and according to Foreman, the most plausible view as well. There is a completely new life that forms from the sperm and egg. The egg and sperm are separate until they unite. Then the egg and sperm no longer exist. There is a zygote, a new individual with its own genetic code. It only needs food, water, oxygen, and shelter in order to stay alive and develop (Foreman, 1999). Another point Foreman made is that the new being is the sexual product of human parents which means that it must be human, and personhood is a quality attributed to being human. Also, a zygote, which comes into existence at conception, exists as the same individual through time. The zygote develops into an embryo, fetus, infant, toddler, teenager, and adult, but it was the same person the entire time. There are no “radical breaks” after conception (Foreman, 1999, p. 86). A final reason pointing toward HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL 16 personhood beginning at conception is the sheer process of elimination. No other decisive moment theories give adequate explanations concerning the beginning of personhood (Foreman, 1999). However, personhood is not simply a biological concept based on science. It is a philosophical concept as well (Foreman, 1999). There are two major views of personhood: the functionalistic view and the substance view. Proponents of the functionalistic view hold that there are certain functions a being must have in order to be a person. These functions include, but are not limited to, consciousness of the external world, self-consciousness and self-will, rational capacities, emotions, and the ability to communicate (Foreman, 1999). The other view of personhood is the substance view. Foreman stated that “metaphysically speaking, this new being [conceptus] is a particular kind of being with a nature and it is in the process of becoming in accordance with that nature. It is not a ‘becoming’ who is striving toward ‘being’” (Foreman, 1999, p. 87). Foreman explained that the new being is not a potential person but is essentially a person. He maintained that the new being develops as a person just like sunflower seeds develop as sunflowers and watermelon seeds develop as watermelons (Foreman, 1999). Dr. Francis Beckwith held the substance view, as well. The human being is a particular type of substance – a rational moral agent – that remains identical to itself as long as it exists, even if it is not presently exhibiting the functions, behaving in ways, or currently able to immediately exercise these activities that we typically attribute to active and mature rational moral agents (Beckwith, 2007, p. 132). HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL 17 Beckwith gave the example of a domestic feline and said that even if the feline dies as a kitten and never develops the ability to purr, the kitten will be a feline as long as it exists because it has a certain nature and has the ultimate capacity to develop purring ability. In the same way, a human being who is very young or is disabled and thus does not have the ability to think rationally is still a person because of his nature (Beckwith, 2007). Personhood of Zygote Wall and Brown (2006) maintained that the zygote (fertilized egg) is not a person. They said that it should not be regarded as a person in the traditional philosophical sense, and they disagreed with the genetic argument that a zygote should be considered a full person. They supported their point by stating wide-scale changes to society they believe would need to take place if zygotes were considered people. Sleasman (2006), on the other hand, took a multi-dimensional approach to understanding personhood. He purported that personhood is granted by God and that is why it should be respected. He then applied this definition of personhood to current debates, including abortion. For those who hold the view that personhood begins at conception, killing any human person after conception would be wrong. Dr. Foreman stated the following: From the moment of conception the embryo [or zygote] has a human nature and...will develop and grow in accordance with that nature. The destruction of the life of any innocent human person at any stage of his development without just cause is morally impermissible (Foreman, 2009, p. 29). Hormonal and IUD Birth Control Overview When they hear the words birth control, many people think of the pill, or oral contraceptives. But birth control pills are not the only form of birth control. The various HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL 18 types of birth control include IUDs, abstinence, sterilization, natural contraception, barrier methods (e.g., condoms and diaphragms) and hormonal methods (Lehne, 2010). Since some abortifacient contraceptives, namely hormonal birth control and IUDs, may sometimes work as abortifacients, the focus first will be on those contraceptives (Alcorn, 2011). Hormonal Contraceptives The hormonal methods of birth control include patches, vaginal rings, and birth control pills. Patches and vaginal rings are applied to the skin and in the vagina, respectively; the hormones are then absorbed into the body. There are two primary forms of hormonal oral contraceptives: progesterone-only contraception and combined hormone contraception (Hennefer, 2009). Progesterone-only pills contain only progestins. Combined hormonal contraception, on the other hand, includes both an estrogen and a progestin. The estrogen is either ethinyl estradiol or mestranol, which actually converts to ethinyl estradiol inside the body. Progestins that can be used in the combined oral contraceptive include norethindrone, levonorgestrel, ethynodiol diacetate, norgestrel, desogestrel, norgestimate, and even the new drospirenone. The combined pill has three major effects. One of its effects is suppressing ovulation. A second effect is thickening a woman’s cervical mucus, which helps block sperm from reaching the egg. A third effect is changing the endometrium (inside lining of the uterus), which makes it harder for implantation to occur. However, if the zygote does manage to implant in the endometrium (i.e., the third mechanism of the Pill fails), the hormones are said not to affect the implanted embryo (Lehne, 2010). Progestin-only pills have the same HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL 19 mechanisms of action as the combination pills except ovulation is inhibited in only about 50% of cycles (Hatcher, et al., 1999). The failure rate of combined oral contraceptives is defined as “the percentage of women who have an unplanned pregnancy during first year of use” (Lehne, 2010, p. 737). Lehne defined pregnancy as “implantation of a fertilized egg” (2010, p. 747). Choosing definitions so as to make conception, pregnancy, and implantation all synonymous obscures the reality that a new life has begun when an egg is fertilized and that any hormone or device that prevents this new zygote from implanting can be considered abortifacient (Alcorn, 2011). The perfect use failure rate, or the failure rate with women who take the pill exactly as they should is usually lower than the typical use failure rate, or the failure rate that is observed in women actually taking the pill. The perfect use failure rate of combined oral contraceptives is 0.1%, while the typical use failure rate is 3% (Lehne, 2010). These failure rates predict how many women will have a detected pregnancy while on the combined pill, not how often a zygote is formed and is prevented from implanting in the endometrium, which is the third mechanism of action of the combined pill, as previously stated (Alcorn, 2011). Instead, this failure rate as discussed by Lehne is measured by the failure of each of the combined pill’s three main mechanisms of action, resulting in a detected pregnancy (2010). Therefore loss of zygotes who cannot implant is not indicated in these failure rates, and this is early chemical abortion (Alcorn, 2011). Progesterone-only Oral Contraceptives The other type of birth control pill is the progestin-only pill, often called the minipill. This pill does not contain an estrogen, only a progestin, namely norethindrone HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL 20 or norgestrel. This pill’s mechanism of action is slightly different from the mechanism of action of the combined pills that contain estrogen. The minipill’s reduction of fertility is achieved through thickened cervical mucus and changing the endometrium so it is less conducive to implantation. The minipill is a weak inhibitor of ovulation (Lehne, 2010). Most women who take the minipill ovulate. The hostile endometrium preventing implantation is an important mechanism contributing to the efficacy of the minipill. If the first mechanism of the minipill, i.e., cervical mucus thickening, fails, then the question is how often the second mechanism (thinning the endomentrium) prevents a zygote from implanting, which would be considered an early abortion (Alcorn, 2011). It should be noted that if the zygote manages to implant in the endometrium, the estrogen and progesterone are said not to affect the already implanted embryo (Wertheimer, 2000). The percentage of women in whom the zygote manages to implant and in which a detectable pregnancy occurs is the failure rate of the pill. The perfect failure rate is 0.5%, a little higher than the perfect failure rate of combined pills. The typical use failure rate is 3%, the same as for combined pills (Lehne, 2010). Intrauterine Devices Intrauterine devices are inserted through the vagina into the uterus. They are quite effective, last a long time, and are reversible (Kubba, Guillebaud, Anderson, & MacGregor, 2000). Intrauterine devices are T-shaped and come in two forms: a copper T 380A, which can remain inside the woman for 10 years and the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system, which lasts for 5 years. Intrauterine devices do not prevent ovulation at all. They thicken cervical mucus and cause the endometrium to become involuted, as well as cause an inflammatory response that kills sperm (Lehne, 2010). If the HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL 21 spermicidal action and cervical mucus thickening mechanisms fail and the remaining mechanism, namely the hostile endometrium, prevails, an abortion occurs. This antiimplantation mechanism is abortive, not contraceptive (Alcorn, 2011). Again, the failure rate, or the detected pregnancy rate, is an indication of how often all the IUD’s mechanisms of actions, including the anti-implantation effect, fail. The Copper T 380A and Levonorgestrel T perfect use failure rates are 0.8 and 0.1%, respectively. Their typical use failure rates are <1% and 0.1%, respectively (Lehne, 2010). There are a few other forms of hormonal birth control that can be considered abortifacient (Alcorn, 2011). Patches, Vaginal Rings, Injectables Other hormonal forms of birth control include the transdermal patch and the vaginal ring, both of which are combined hormonal contraceptives. The only difference between these methods and combined pills is their route of delivery. Thus they have the same anti-implantation effect as do the combined oral contraceptives. The patch and vaginal ring have the same failure rates. Their perfect use failure rates and typical use failure rates are 0.3% and 8%, respectively (Lehne, 2010). There are three injectable long-acting abortifacient contraceptives. Implanon is a subdermal system that is an injection of etonogestrel, and its mechanisms of action are exactly the same as the combined pills (Lehne, 2010). Norplant was also a subdermal system, but it was taken from the market in 2000 (Watkins, 2010). Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA; Depo-Provera) can be injected intramuscularly or subcutaneously, and it has the same mechanism of action as the combined pills. DMPA plus estradiol is the first abortifacient contraceptive to contain both a progestin and an HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL 22 estrogen. The perfect use and typical use failure rates for Implanon and DMPA (DepoProvera), are 0.5% and 0.5%, 0.3% and 3%, respectively (Lehne, 2010). Emergency Contraception There are also several types of emergency contraception, referring to contraception taken after sexual intercourse. One study found that low-dose mifepristone and two regimens of levonorgestrel were very effective as emergency contraception (Hertzen, et al., 2002). Many people recognize emergency contraception under the names of Plan B or RU-486. The terms are often confused, as one study of a university population indicated (Corbett, Mitchell, Taylor, & Kemppainen, 2006). Plan B consists of two high-dose pills of a progestin called levonorgestrel, and it works partly the same way that oral contraceptives taken before intercourse work. Plan B primarily inhibits ovulation, but it can also inhibit fertilization and sometimes prevent implantation (Lehne, 2010). It is notable that Lehne maintained that Plan B is not an abortifacient because it prevents pregnancy, which he defined as beginning after implantation. Note that this does not address the fact that Plan B sometimes prevents implantation of a zygote (Alcorn, 2011). It may prevent detected pregnancies, but it does not prevent all pregnancies. RU-486 has more extreme, definite effects. It works up to 49 days after implantation, destroys an already implanted embryo, and is unquestionably an abortifacient (Anderson, et al., 2006). RU 486, or Mifepristone, works by blocking progesterone receptors, which in turn causes the endometrium to break down and the implanted embryo to be pulled away from the endometrium. Mifepristone also dilates the cervix and causes the uterus to contract. These mechanisms result in an early abortion
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PURPOSE Access to legal abortion services is restricted in Latin America. Nonetheless, previous research suggest that women frequently use misoprostol to self-induce abortion. In many settings, women obtain the medication from a pharmacy. This study was conducted to better understand pharmacy staff knowledge and provision practices of misoprostol and other medical abortifacients. METHODS We f...
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عنوان ژورنال:
دوره شماره
صفحات -
تاریخ انتشار 2012